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8th International Conference on Mathematical Models & Computational Techniques in Science & Engineering


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8th International Conference on Mathematical Models & Computational Techniques in Science & Engineering

1) TITLE: Operational Research and Applications

Organizer-Chairman: Fernanda A. Ferreira,
PhD in Applied Mathematics
Adjunct Professor Politecnico Do Porto, Escola Superior De Hotelaria E Turismo, Porto, Portugal
e-mail: faf@esht.ipp.pt

Aim: The aim of this session is to bring together researchers with different backgrounds and interests in all aspects of Operational Research, applied in an industrial context, its impact in Industrial Organization engineering improvements, in order to further communication, collaboration, and exchange of new ideas. This special session welcomes all researchers, academicians, practitioners, as well as students interested in any branch of operational research.

- Optimization methods
- Decision theory
- Stochastic models
- Simulation
- Combinatorial Optimization
- Cutting and Packing
- Data mining
- Optimal control
- Transportation
- Multi-objective optimization
- Scheduling
- Game Theory

2) TITLE:Mathematical modeling in real life applications

Organizer-Chairman: Prof. Seifedine Kadry,
Beirut Arab University, Faculty of Sciences, Beirut, Lebanon
E-mail: s.kadry@bau.edu.lb

Aim: In different real life system, the study of the processes is limited to their modeling and simulation, i.e. their approximate description by creating models of these systems and processes. Systems and processes models are divided into two broad categories: mathematical and physical. In the recent studies, the notion of mathematical modeling become clearer and refers equally to systems of another nature - social, economic, and others. The behavior of different systems can be effectively explored using their mathematical models. It is only necessary to properly choose the appropriate mathematical apparatus. On the other hand, the range of mathematical models is extremely wide - from algebra and logic to functional analysis. This means that the regular direct contacts between engineer researchers and specialists from different fields of mathematics are very important for the advancement of science and technology. For professional mathematicians, these contacts will enable them to better target the needs of representatives of other areas of knowledge. And the more contacts there are the better.

- Basic principles of mathematical modeling
- Direct and inverse problems of mathematical modeling
- Methodology of mathematical modeling
- System analysis
- Complex systems and decomposition
- Static and dynamic models
- Discrete and continuous
- Deterministic and stochastic
- Ordinary and partial differential equations
- Numerical methods and optimization methods
- Probability theory and applied statistics
- Stochastic processes
- Statistical modeling and applications
- Approaches to construction of mathematical models
- Mathematical methods of management
- Socio-economic systems, methods for their study and modelling
- Specific features of modeling living systems
- Methods and tools for mathematical modeling and computer science in theoretical biophysics, biology, medicine
- Mathematical approaches to the analysis of dynamic processes

3) TITLE: Complex Networks: Studying and Applications

Organizer-chairman: Dr.ing. Bilal Saoud,
Department of Electric Engineering, Faculty of Sciences and Applied, Sciences , University of Bouira, 10000, Bouira, Algeria
E-mail: bilal340@gmail.com

Aim: In many contexts (biology, information science, sociology etc.), sets of related entities can be modeled as graphs (networks) G(V , E), where the individual entities are represented by a set of nodes V and relationships between these entities by a set of links E. For example in biology the metabolic network, nodes are proteins and the links are the chemical interactions between them. In social network, nodes represent individuals and links correspond to the relationships between them. The representation by graph facilitates the study and analysis of the network structure. Complex Networks: Studying and Applications aims at bringing together researchers from different scientific communities working on complex networks (biology network, information science network, sociology network, etc.). Theoretical developments and case studies are welcomed.

TOPICS: - Complex Networks Models
- Community Structure Detection
- Link Prediction
- Large-scale Graph Analysis
- Recommendation Systems and Networks
- Information Spreading in Social Media
- Biological and Technological Complex Networks

4) TITLE: Difference and differential equations: methods and applications

Organizer-Chairman: Prof. Sandra Pinelas,
Academia Militar, Departamento de Ciencias Exactas e Engenharia, Av. Conde Castro Guimaraes 2720-113 Amadora, Portugal
E-mail: sandra.pinelas@gmail.com

Aim: The main aim of this session is to promote, encourage, cooperate, and bring together researchers in the fields of differential and difference equations, as well dynamical systems and applications providing a forum for the academic exchange of ideas and recent research works.

- Ordinary differential equations
- Partial differential equations
- Difference equations
- Dynamical systems
- Fractional calculus
- Fuzzy systems
- Stochastic Processes
- Integral and Differential Operators
- Special functions
- Numerical Methods in Complex Analysis
- Numerical Methods in Linear Algebra
- Numerical Simulation
- Discrete Mathematics
- Applicationsy

5) TITLE: International Symposium on Algebraic Methods and Their Applications

Organizer-Chairman: Prof. Fulufhelo Ratshisindi,
University of Limpopo,
Limpopo Province, South Africa
E-mail: f.ratshisindi@gmail.com

Aim: Algebraic Methods have several applications. However some methods perform better for certain applications than other methods. The symposia aim to showcase algebraic methods and where they are most efficiently applicable for practical usage.

- Linear Algebra
- Multi-linear Algebra
- Computational Linear Algebra
- Discrete Algebra
- Polynomials

6) TITLE: International Symposium on Modelling and Models Analysis

Organizer-Chairman: Prof. Fulufhelo Ratshisindi,
University of Limpopo,
Limpopo Province, South Africa
E-mail: f.ratshisindi@gmail.com

Aim: Models are helpful in making predictions that are useful in making decisions. The bigger the data used when building models, the more accurate the predictions the model can make. The aim of the symposia is to build models. Moreover, the nature and the assumptions of the models need scrutiny before they are used to make prediction and used on making decisions. Researchers are constantly building models but they often pay little attention to the nature, conditions, and the assumptions they make when building such models.

- Modelling Simulation
- Medical Modelling
- Environmental Modelling
- Option Pricing and Asset Pricing Models
- Conflict Modelling


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