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8th International Conference on Mathematical Models & Computational Techniques in Science & Engineering

Call for Sessions, Workshops, Minisymposia

A session will have at least 6 papers, a workshop at least 12 papers, a symposium at least 18 papers and a mini-conference at least 24 papers. We encourage you to participate in our conference with a Session, Workshop, Symposium or Mini-Conference. There are several benefits for the organizers:
1. Successful Session organizers will be Associate Editors in the Proceedings
2. Successful Session organizers will be Members in the International Scientific Committee of MMCTSE 2022
3. Successful Session organizers will Chair their session
4. Successful Session organizers will receive an additional ticket for the banquet
5. Successful Session organizers will receive a Certificate for the organization of their session

Send us the Title / Organizer / Aim / Topics for your Special Session by email: mmctse.conference@gmail.comm like these examples


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